To Trooping the colour ( μάλλον αμετάφραστο στα ελληνικά) είναι η πιο σοβαρή γιορτή της Βρετανικής Μοναρχίας. Χρονολογείται από το 1748 και αποκτά επίσημο χαρακτήρα το 1820 και συμβολίζει την βρετανική μοναρχία ενώ κατά τη διάρκεια της από την εποχή του Εδουάρδου του VII εορτάζονται τα γενέθλια του εκάστοτε Βρετανού Μονάρχη. Επι της ουσιας είναι η προβολή των χρωματικών αποχρώσεων όλων των ταγμάτων που σε παλαιότερες εποχες μαχών βοηθούσαν τους στρατιώτες να ξεχωρίσουν το στρατόπεδο τους.
Ο Gdsm Lall γεννημένος στην Ινδία είναι ο πρώτος στην ιστορία 2,5 αιώνων της γιορτής που συμμετείχε φορώντας το παραδοσιακό τουρμπάνι των Σιχ. Πολιτική ορθότητα ή φόρος τιμής στους χιλιάδες Σιχ που πολέμησαν και σκοτώθηκαν στις τάξεις του βρετανικού στρατού.
Trooping the Colour is a ceremony performed by regiments of the British and Commonwealth armies. It has been a tradition of British infantry regiments since the 17th century, although the roots go back much earlier. On battlefields, a regiment’s colours, or flags, were used as rallying points. Consequently, regiments would have their ensigns slowly march with their colours between the soldiers’ ranks to enable soldiers to recognise their regiments’ colours.
Since 1748, Trooping the Colour has also marked the official birthday of the British sovereign.[1] It is held in London annually on a Saturday in June on Horse Guards Parade by St. James’s Park,[2] and coincides with the publication of the Birthday HonoursList. Among the audience are the Royal Family, invited guests, ticket holders and the general public. The ceremony is broadcast live by the BBC within the UK and is also shown in Germany and Belgium, and since 2018, has been streamed online to viewers all over the world, via the Time magazine YouTube channel and the Facebook page of the British newspaper The Telegraph, with the Associated Press providing live video coverage of the event.
The Queen travels down the Mall from Buckingham Palace in a royal procession with a sovereign’s escort of Household Cavalry(mounted troops or horse guards). After receiving a royal salute, she inspects her troops of the Household Division, both foot guardsand horse guards, and the King’s Troop, Royal Horse Artillery. Each year, one of the foot-guards regiments is selected to troop its colour through the ranks of guards. Then the entire Household Division assembly conducts a march past the Queen, who receives a salute from the saluting base. Parading with its guns, the King’s Troop takes precedence as the mounted troops perform a walk-march and trot-past.
The music is provided by the massed bands of the foot guards and the mounted Band of the Household Cavalry, together with a Corps of Drums, and occasionally pipers, totalling approximately 400 musicians.
Returning to Buckingham Palace, the Queen watches a further march-past from outside the gates. Following a 41-gun salute by the King’s Troop in Green Park, she leads the Royal Family on to the palace balcony for a Royal Air Force flypast
Πηγή: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia